salmson2a2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Kayenta, Arizona
Places edited in Kristiansand, Norway
Places edited in Dubuque, Iowa
Places edited in Taroona, Australia
Places edited in Lucas, Kansas
Places edited in San Simeon, California
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Eureka, California

The Carson Mansion

Commonly referred to as the most photographed Victorian home in the United States.
Klamath, California

Trees of Mystery

Two mammoth statues inspired by equally tall tales lure tourists to this roadside attraction.
Crescent City, California

St. George Reef Lighthouse

A lighthouse built to save lives that took quite a few with its treacherous location.
Haines Falls, New York

Kaaterskill Falls and the Bayard of Dogs

A stunning, two-tiered waterfall made famous by poets, artists and the legend of a ghost dog.
Woodstock, New York

Overlook Mountain House Ruins

A once grand hotel is being retaken by the wilderness it once capitalized on.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Higgins Armory Museum

Once a private collection, now the only museum of arms and armor in the Western Hemisphere - CLOSED.
Mountain View, California

Computer History Museum

From the Difference Engine to the Cray-1, all under one roof.
Santa Rosa, California

Cyclisk - Santa Rosa Monument

340 bicycles, 65 feet high.
Glen Ellen, California

The Wolf House - Jack London State Park

The haunting ruins of Jack London's dream house.
Page, Arizona

Antelope Canyon

Most-visited and most-photographed slot canyon in the American Southwest.
Page, Arizona

Horseshoe Bend

Dramatic river bend surrounds a natural red-rocked pedestal.