SaltSild's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Lost Third Column

Two stone columns flank the grand Venice square, but there were supposed to be three.
Matavun, Slovenia

Skocjan Caves

This massive subterranean fissure is known as the "underground Grand Canyon."
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dragon Bridge

A whimsical bridge adorned with decorative dragons.
Zagreb, Croatia

Zagreb's Museum of Broken Relationships

Where the lovelorn find a home for their sentimental keepsakes.
Beijing, China

Great Wall of China Slide

Why walk on this historical site when you can zoom down instead?
Beijing, China

The Forbidden City

The most famous location in China was home to whole dynasties worth of imperial rulers.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Hanoi's Train Street

Twice a day a speeding train passes only inches from the homes of this residential neighborhood.
Hanoi, Vietnam

B-52 Wreckage

Monument to a brutal, ineffectual US bombing campaign and a sobering reminder of the human cost of the Vietnam War.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Cu Chi Tunnels

A nightmare for the claustrophobic lies hidden in Southeast Asia.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

War Remnants Museum

Artifacts and memories from the Vietnam war, located in a place that experienced it first hand.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Phnom Penh Memorial Stupa

5,000 skulls in memorial to those killed by the Khmer Rouge.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

Khmer Rouge's high security prison.
Siem Reap, Cambodia

Ta Prohm

A battle between nature and architecture in the Cambodian jungle.
Kampong Thom, Cambodia

Cambodia Landmine Museum

This collection of reclaimed landmines acts as both an exhibition of their deadly history and as a shelter for children affected by them.
New York, New York

Trinity Churchyard

This cemetery has graves dating back to the 17th century, including the city's oldest carved tombstone and an ominous cryptogram.
Groton, Connecticut

Submarine Force Museum

The US Navy's only submarine museum is also home to the world's first nuclear submarine.
Arlington, Virginia

Pentagon Hot Dog Stand

Rumor has it the hot dog stand was targeted by two Russian nuclear missiles.
Arlington, Virginia

The Graves of Robert E. Lee's Garden

Soldiers were buried next to Lee's house in the center of Arlington Cemetery to dissuade the general from reclaiming his property after the war.

The Unfinished Church

Storms, funding, and in-fighting have kept this Bermuda church from ever being completed.
Lima, Peru

Huaca Pucllana

This stone complex marks the urban center of a lost civilization.
Lima, Peru

Pizarro's Tomb

Now containing the bones of the actual conquistador, instead of someone else.
Aguas Calientes, Peru

Machu Picchu: The Lost City of The Inca

The intricate stonework of Machu Picchu serves as a testament to Incan engineers.
Cusco, Peru

Chinchilla Last Supper

A painting in the historic Cathedral Basilica depicts Jesus and his disciples dining on a traditional Peruvian menu.
Cusco, Peru


The stones of this Incan wall complex fit together so well you couldn't fit a piece of paper between some of them.