UddaUtflykter's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Gothenburg, Sweden
Places visited in Visby, Sweden
Places visited in Sigtuna, Sweden
Places visited in Varberg, Sweden
Places visited in Älvdalen N, Sweden
Places visited in Osby, Sweden
Places visited in Sweden
Places visited in Malmö, Sweden
Places visited in Skellefteå, Sweden
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Härjedalen, Sweden

Greta Garbo Statue of Integrity

This statue, deep in a Swedish forest, is all alone, just like the renowned recluse would have wanted.
Sveg, Sweden

Giant Wooden Bear of Sveg

This massive Trojan ursine was built to be a new tourist symbol for a small Swedish town.
Luleå, Sweden


The world's first purpose-built indoor shopping mall opened in Sweden in 1955.
Älvsbyn V, Sweden

Laver Ruins

The concrete skeletons of an abandoned Swedish town hide among the trees.
Brännaberget, Sweden

Brännaberget Folkpark

This abandoned Swedish folkpark offers an amazing view over the town of Överkalix.
Pajala N, Sweden

Lovikkavanten (Lovikka Mitten Statue)

The world’s largest knitted mitten is displayed in one of Sweden’s smallest Arctic villages.
Kiruna, Sweden

Vittangi Snaps Pine

Few remain of these distinctive old trees that once served as natural landmarks for travelers on the road.
Kiruna, Sweden


The world's first ice hotel is still one of the most elaborate and beautiful.
Kiruna, Sweden

Kiruna Cage Balconies

These coffin-like Brutalist balconies were inspired by a nearby mine.
Stockholm, Sweden


Locals rallied to save this beloved mural after someone mistakenly attempted to cover it.
Munkedal, Sweden

Sverre of Norway Stone

Many historians today consider Sverre as Norway's greatest king of all time. 
Visby, Sweden


Legend has it that this large rock maze in Sweden was created as punishment by the daughter of a wealthy captain.
Boge, Sweden

Tjelvar's Grave

A Bronze Age stone ship said to be the grave of the mythical founder of Gotland.
Visby, Sweden

Galgberget Gallows

This trio of stone spires claims to be the only preserved medieval execution site in Europe.
Visby, Sweden

The Maiden's Tower

Known locally as the Jungfrutornet, this Medieval tower hides a dark legend.
Visby, Sweden

Sankt Göransporten Arrow Slit

A catapult rock from Gotland’s 13th-century civil war is still lodged in Scandinavia's best-preserved medieval city wall.
Visby, Sweden

Spillings Hoard

Buried beneath an unassuming Gotland farm was the largest collection of Viking silver, mostly of Islamic origin.
Gnisvärd, Sweden

Gnisvärd Stone Ships

Ancient stone graves shaped like ships provided a Viking-like burial to carry the dead to the afterlife.
Gävle, Sweden

Gs 13 Runestone

A Viking man's tribute to his brother stands in Gävle's oldest church.
Uppsala, Sweden

Uppland Runic Inscription 489

A rare rune stone dedicated to a woman.
Uppsala, Sweden

Saint Erik's Spring

Legend has it this spring formed at the spot where a medieval Swedish king was killed.
Falun, Sweden

Fet-Mats grav (Grave of Fet-Mats)

His body was found mysteriously preserved in a Swedish mine over 40 years after his initial disappearance.
Uppsala, Sweden

Universitetshuset Runestone Circle

A large collection of ancient runestones decorates this university courtyard.
Malmö, Sweden

Limhamn Limestone Quarry

This quarry filled with 65 million-year-old limestone is now home to a nature reserve.