wendygogo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Linz, Austria


Ride a dragon train into a world of dwarves.
Wattens, Austria

Crystal Worlds

Swarovski's museum/theme park is a fake diamond fantasia overlooked by a giant.
Berlin, Germany

Bud Spencer Museum

Celebrating the works of a beloved Italian actor, known for such cult films as 'They Call Me Trinity' and 'Watch Out, We’re Mad!'
Berlin, Germany

Off-World Gaming

A dilapidated space station with overtones of 'Alien' and 'Bladerunner' featuring a multiplayer games galore.
Berlin, Germany


Taste freshly foraged yarrow and black locust blossoms at this ambitious cocktail bar.
San Biagio Platani, Italy

Arches of Bread Festival

Every Easter, a small Sicilian town builds a stunning cathedral out of bread.
Conca dei Marini, Italy

Grotto dello Smeraldo

A limestone grotto where daylight filters in from below and turns the water a beautiful turquoise. Also home to a small underwater nativity scene.

Eremo di San Girolamo (Hermitage of Saint Jerome)

The 16th-century son of Sienese nobility carved this hermitage out of volcanic rock.
San Donato di Ninea, Italy

Grotta di Sant'Angelo

The ruins of a rural church and a statue of Archangel Gabriel are tucked away in Majella National Park.
Fiumefreddo Bruzio, Italy

Castello della Valle

The ruins of this medieval castle now stand as a monument against all wars.
Orvieto, Italy

Pozzo della Cava

Nine caves filled with recently-discovered archaeological finds under the houses and the streets of the most ancient district of an old town.
Luras, Italy

Olivastri Millenari

At an estimated 3,800 years old, this olive tree is one of the oldest on earth.
Fregona, Italy

Caglieron Caves

These caves are home to a small church and were used to age cheese.
Avezzano, Italy

Tunnels of Claudius

This Roman underground canal was the longest tunnel ever built until the late 19th-century.
San felice del Benaco, Italy

Isola del Garda

A small island in Lake Garda that was used as a burial site, pirate hideout, and a monastery.
Osimo, Italy

Grotte di Osimo

A series of caves, tunnels, and wells filled with fascinating figures and symbols.
Formia, Italy

Eremo di San Michele Arcangelo (Hermitage of Saint Michael the Archangel)

Hidden in a high mountain cave, this hermitage dates back to the ninth century.
Sirmione, Italy

Grotte di Catullo (Grottoes of Catullus)

On the shores of Lake Garda, the ruins of a Roman villa that allegedly belonged to the poet Catullus.
Pantelleria, Italy

Giardino Pantesco

This ancient walled garden turns fog into food.
Dolomites, Italy

Via Ferrata Pisciadù

A climbing route in the mountains of Italy’s Dolomites, built for soldiers during World War I.
Arezzo, Italy

Theatrum Mundi

This 21st century cabinet of curiosities includes dinosaur bones, moon rocks, film memorabilia, and more.
Torrita di Siena, Italy

Residenza d'Arte

A unique Tuscan hideaway acts as an art mecca as well as a hotel.
Pizzo, Italy

Chiesetta di Piedigrotta (Church of Piedigrotta)

This church carved into the rocks is full of enchanting stone statues.
Borgo Valsugana, Italy

Arte Sella

An open-air museum in a mountain valley features works designed to blend in with—and disintegrate back into—their natural surroundings.