White Rat's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lausanne, Switzerland

Collection de l'Art Brut

Artworks by loners, prisoners and the criminally insane.
Botyre (Ayent), Switzerland

The Bisses of Valais

Medieval irrigation channels built into the sides of mountains provided Valais with water for hundreds of years.
Vallorbe, Switzerland

Grottes de Vallorbe

Over 3km of caverns and caves at the Switzerland-France border contain the largest underground river in Central Europe.
Estavayer-le-Lac, Switzerland

Frog Museum

150-year-old satirical tableaus made from stuffed frogs.
Martigny, Switzerland


Enormous, fluffy dogs frolic around this museum dedicated to a legendary Saint Bernard.
Leuk, Switzerland

Leuk Charnel House

For centuries no one knew there were hundreds of bones and precious artwork hidden beneath this Swiss church.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Dance of Death Bridge

This historic covered bridge contains a series of macabre paintings that communicate one thing: everyone dies.
Andermatt, Switzerland


A breathtaking bridge that crosses a vast gorge over a river's torrents, and has a tale of a devil architect attached.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Lion of Lucerne

This memorial commemorating fallen Swiss Guards of the French Revolution has been called the saddest stone in the world.
St. Gallen, Switzerland

Abbey Library of Saint Gall

This is not only one of the oldest collections in Europe, but also possibly the most beautiful.
Gadmen, Switzerland

Trift Bridge

This amazing pedestrian suspension bridge in the Swiss Alps would give Indiana Jones nightmares.
Boudry, Switzerland

Saut de Brot

This lovely little bridge hidden in a Switzerland gorge is essentially a fairytale.
Neuheim, Switzerland

Höllgrotten Caves

These spooky and unusual stone formations create an underworldly landscape.
Wasserauen, Switzerland

Berggasthaus Aescher Wildkirchli

This 170-year-old Swiss guesthouse built into the side of a mountain is best accessed by a cable car.
Bucharest, Romania

Dimitrie Leonida Technical Museum

Check out engineering marvels of the past at this unintentionally retrofuturist museum.
Scorțoasa, Romania

Berca Mud Volcanoes

A muddy alien landscape that is home to rare species of exotic plants.
Bucharest, Romania

Cărturești Carusel Bookstore

This once-derelict building is now one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world.
Comuna Obreja, Romania

Tunnel of Love

The romantic botanic tunnel feels like a well-kept secret.
Snagov Island, Romania

Snagov Monastery

This solitary monastery may hold the remains of Vlad the Impaler (but probably not).
Săpânța, Romania

The Merry Cemetery

A countryside Romanian cemetery filled with colorful crosses bearing lyrical, ironic, or satirical rhymes.
Los Angeles, California

Youngwood Court

Iconic Los Angeles residence famous for its 19 statues of Michelangelo's David.
Los Angeles, California

Venice Beach Freakshow

The largest collection of two headed animals in the world.
Los Angeles, California

Chandelier Tree

Dozens of lights dangle from the branches of what may be the brightest tree in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, California

Rustic Canyon's Murphy Ranch

World War II-era Nazi compound nestled in the Santa Monica hills.