wittc2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Jazirat al Maqlab (Telegraph Island)

This remote British Imperial telegraph relay outpost drove men insane.
Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon

Lebanese "Hall of Fame" Museum

Brush shoulders with animatronic Arab leaders made of silicone.
Jibchit, Lebanon

Hezbollah Museum of Resistance

Modern museum, designed for Jihadi tourists.
Jitta, Lebanon

Jeita Grotto

A monumental underground karstic wonderland is also the water source for over a million citizens of Beirut.
Amman, Jordan

Sports City

This sprawling, formerly elite sporting complex in Amman, Jordan has become a local picnic spot.
Petra District, Jordan


An ancient capital city that dates back 3,000 years old and harbors many surprises.
Jerusalem, Israel

Tisch Family Zoological Park

Biblical beasts and endangered animal preservation come together in this Israeli zoo.
Jerusalem, Israel

Museum On The Seam

Sitting right on the border between East and West Jerusalem this modern art museum is in itself a symbol of Israel's hoped-for unity.
Jerusalem, Israel

National Library of Israel's Hidden "Stalag" Collection

Hidden out of public view in the National Library of Israel is a collection of "Stalag's," 1960s Nazi themed porno paperbacks written and consumed by Israelis.
Frankfurt, Germany


This unique exhibit "Dialogue in the Dark" reverses roles as the visionless become guides and the sighted become ‘blind.’
Jerusalem, Israel

Shrine of the Book

The home of the Dead Sea Scrolls is an abstract modernist dream.
Acre, Israel

Rosh HaNikra Grottoes

The bluer than blue waters in these natural Israeli caves are reached via the world's steepest cable car.
Chamchamal, Iraq

Chamchamal Fire Well

A boiling wellspring flowing with natural gas burns in a continual blaze.
Sulaymaniyah, Iraq

Amna Suraka Prison

A bloody history is captured in this former prison turned museum.
Baghdad, Iraq

Al-Shaheed Monument

A giant bisected onion dome remembers the Iraqis who died in the Iran-Iraq War.
Baghdad, Iraq

Saddam Hussein's Blood Quran

A 605-page Quran penned in the blood of a dictator is locked away in a mosque.
Hillah, Iraq


Celebrated as a center of civilization, the remains of the ancient city have been nearly destroyed by greed, egoism, and war.
Tehran, Iran

Ebrat Museum

This circular Iranian jail was once a political prison run by the country's secret police.
Fars Province, Iran

Graffiti at Persepolis

Marked by the hand of the explorer Henry Morton Stanley.
Shiraz, Iran

Nasir al-Mulk Mosque

A spectacular rainbow of stained glass makes the "Pink Mosque" one of the most beautiful in Iran.
Shooshtar, Iran

Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System

This beautiful system of tunnels built into natural rock serves as a centuries old plumbing system.
Nushabad, Iran

Nushabad Underground City

A 1,500-year-old, 3-story subterranean city where ancient Persians took refuge in times of war.
Orost, Iran

Badab-e Surt

Iran's colorful terraces are a rare geological masterpiece.
Shiraz, Iran

Shah Cheragh

Mirrors and glass shards cover every inch of this arrestingly beautiful mosque.