xxBee's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Szentendre, Hungary
Places visited in Miskolc, Hungary
Places edited in Colchester, England
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York, England

York Minster Astronomical Clock

This memorial to World War II's fallen airmen shows us the movements of the stars that once guided them.
York, England

Cat Statues of York

A century-old tradition has culminated in a small but singular collection of feline effigies.
York, England

The Snickelways of York

This network of narrow, medieval passages has the most delightful name.
York, England

The York Ghost Merchants

Makers and sellers of the original and finest York Ghosts.
York, England


One of the shortest streets in York has an especially odd name.
York, England

Lloyds Bank Coprolite

An incredibly well-preserved piece of ninth-century Viking poop.
York, England

Dick Turpin's Tombstone

The final resting place of England's most notorious bandit.
York, England

Shambles of York

Follow the original medieval paths that wind through this intriguing section of the city.
York, England

Shrine of Saint Margaret Clitherow

A shrine to one of England's female saints in what is believed to be her former home.
York, England

Hidden Wonders of York Minster

Semaphore saints, a golden dragon's head, and a stone carved with religious warnings all call this cathedral home.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Remains of Dolly the Sheep

The taxidermy remains of the first mammal ever cloned from an adult cell are on display in Edinburgh.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Binns Clock

This historic timepiece was a popular meeting place for romantic rendezvous in the 1960s.
Edinburgh, Scotland

St. Bernard's Well

A beautiful Greco-Roman structure houses a well once believed to have healing powers.
Edinburgh, Scotland

'Center of Edinburgh' Bollard

This mundane post marks the old location of the city's main postal hub.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Beltane Fire Festival

Summer in Scotland begins with a spectacularly wild and colorful event rooted in ancient pagan traditions.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Grave of Lieutenant John Irving

This grave marks one of few bodies retrieved from the disastrous Franklin Arctic expedition.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Charlotte Square

This city square dates back to the Scottish Enlightenment and was home to some of Scotland's brightest minds.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Catherine Sinclair Monument

A rare memorial paying homage to an altruistic woman from the 19th-century.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Gilbert the Phone Box

A former telephone box found new life as a photo booth and charity fundraiser.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Talbot Rice Gallery

Once designed as a natural history museum, this building is now home to a massive art gallery.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Arthur's Seat

This extinct volcano rises above Edinburgh and is special for its panoramic views over the city.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Canongate Kirkyard

This Scottish graveyard is the final resting place of the man who inspired the character Ebenezer Scrooge.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Museum of Edinburgh

This 16th-century house tells the city's history through old artifacts and quirky tales.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Tolbooth Tavern

Now home to a drinking establishment, this building has a macabre history.