yellowfishtuna18's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Pasadena, California
Places visited in Northwest Territories
Places visited in Anaheim, California
Places visited in Los Angeles, California
Places visited in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Places visited in Riverside, California
Places visited in Santa Monica, California
Places visited in Culver City, California
Places visited in Altadena, California
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Los Angeles, California

The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel

Hollywood's oldest hotel is the site of the first Academy Awards, the birthplace of Marilyn Monroe's career, and the home of Montgomery Clift's ghost.
Los Angeles, California

Lookout Mountain Airforce Station

Secret US military film studio in the Hollywood Hills.
Los Angeles, California

Vineyard Station Trolley Tragedy

A lovely summer day by the sea becomes a nightmare.
Los Angeles, California

Site of Charlie Chaplin Studios

The Hollywood home of Kermit the Frog and Yoda used to be Charlie Chaplin's film studio.
Los Angeles, California

'Remnal of a Senging Chave'

Behind legendary Meltdown Comics is a marker for an engineered musical roadway of the Tehachapi, the great road builders of Kcymaerxthaere.
West Hollywood, California

Redd Foxx Walk Of Fame

An informal walk of fame in front of a Hollywood office building remembers a comedic great and his associates.
West Hollywood, California

Back Lot

Peek inside Howard Hughes' garage at this Hollywood-themed art installation.
Los Angeles, California

Halloween House

Everyone remembers Laurie Strode from Halloween, but this is the house where most of the blood was shed.
Los Angeles, California

Pink's Hot Dogs

World-famous, Pink's still manages to keep its prized cult fetish status.
Los Angeles, California

Thompson Home

Nancy Thompson's Home from "A Nightmare on Elm Street."
Beverly Hills, California

Spadena House

Storybook cottage in Beverly Hills was once the site of 1920s silent film studio, affectionately known as "The Witch's House."
Los Angeles, California


Medical and zoological curiosities for sale.
Beverly Hills, California

Union 76 Gas Station

The dramatic upward-curving roof is one of the most iconic examples of Googie architecture that still stands today.
Beverly Hills, California


Ingenious bakery opens up the first Cupcake ATM at their flagship location in Beverly Hills.
Beverly Hills, California

'Celluloid' Monument

A tribute to the movie stars who fought to keep Beverly Hills separate from Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, California

Helios House

First LEED-certified gas station in the United States.
Los Angeles, California

José de San Martín Bust

A forgotten tribute to a South American hero hidden in a cluster of traffic islands.
Los Angeles, California

The Bust of Juan Bautista De Anza

Anza led the first Spanish settlers from Mexico to Monterey, California in the 1770s.
Los Angeles, California

'Dan the Miner'

Murder, searching for gold, and being cut in half—the memorial statue of Daniel O. McCarthy and the Pioneers of '49
Los Angeles, California

Urban Light

Scores of vintage street lamps shine along L.A.’s Miracle Mile.
Los Angeles, California

La Brea Tar Pits Dragonfly Fossils

These delicate buggers are some of the rarest fossils that have bubbled up from the Tar Pits.
Los Angeles, California

The LAPD Kōban

Common all over Japan, kōbans are small community police boxes, and now one is guarding one of L.A.’s megamalls.
Beverly Hills, California

Greystone Mansion

Stroll the grounds built by murder, suicide, and dirty oil money at one of Hollywood's most filmed mansions.
Beverly Hills, California

Will Rogers Memorial Park

Hidden away among the quiet streets of Beverly Hills, this small park is a haven for walkers and wildlife.