yobeemer2175's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Luis Obispo, California

Madonna Inn

A hotel and restaurant serving as the mecca of kitsch.
Morro Bay, California

Morro Rock

A massive volcanic plug is now a protected area that hosts a number of bird species.
Shandon, California

James Dean Memorial Junction

A remote crossroads honoring a fallen talent.
San Luis Obispo, California

San Luis Obispo's Bubblegum Alley

An alley covered with 20 years of bubble gum.
Puteaux, France

'Le Pouce,' The Giant Thumb Sculpture

César Baldaccini's iconic sculpture of a 40-foot thumb stands tall in La Défense.
Madrid, Spain

Fountain of the Fallen Angel

Commonly acknowledged as the only public monument to the Devil himself.
Bodfish, California

Remington Hot Springs

One of the last free public hot springs is decorated with hippie art.
South Pasadena, California

Bissell House

Victoriana on Orange Grove Avenue.
Pasadena, California

Vroman's Bookstore

Colorado Boulevard’s historic bookstore, operating since the bustling city of Pasadena was merely some orange groves and a few ostrich farms.
Pasadena, California

Pasadena Playhouse

"The Star Factory" cranked out Hollywood stars like nobody's business.
Pasadena, California

Pasadena City Hall

One of Hollywood’s favorite government buildings.
Pasadena, California

The Castle Green

Where the rich wintered in Pasadena.
Pasadena, California

Worldwide Church of God Historical Site

Mid-Century Modern Meets Millionaire’s Row.
Pasadena, California

Colorado Street Bridge

A Masterpiece with a Tragic History.
Pasadena, California

Wrigley Mansion

Originally the home of chewing gum mogul William Wrigely Jr, it is now the official offices of the Tournament of Roses.

Punta Pite

A fantastical group of cliffside stairways, bridges, and twisting paths carved out of stone provide a surreal coastal hike.
Bridgeport, California

Bodie State Historic Park

Standing in a state of "arrested decay," this ghost town allows for a detailed peek into Gold Rush life in an unusually harsh climate.
Benson, Arizona

Kartchner Caverns

Limestone caves with spectacular showcase chambers.
Hong Kong

Jumbo Kingdom

A colossal floating restaurant built to look like a ancient Chinese imperial palace.
Littlefield, Arizona

Pumpkin Spring Pool

An arsenic-filled pool in the Grand Canyon takes on the appearance of a giant, overflowing pumpkin.
Waitomo, New Zealand

Waitomo Glowworm Caves

Tubing through a cave lit with glowworms is a magical underground experience.
Carcassonne, France

La Cité Médiévale de Carcassonne

Historic medieval fortified city in southwest France.
Valparaiso, Chile

Elevators of Valparaiso

What was once a unique system of urban elevators is turning into a mechanical ruin.
Seattle, Washington

Museum of Pop Culture

A museum dedicated to the history and exploration of both popular music and science fiction.