eddieheijblom's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Villavieja, Colombia

Tatacoa Desert

Unparalleled stargazing, one of Colombia's best observatories, and a swimming pool can all be found in the middle of this ancient tropical forest.
Provincia de Bongará, Peru

Gocta Waterfall

One of the world's tallest waterfalls wasn't revealed to the world at large until 2006.
Provincia de Bongará, Peru

Yumbilla Falls

The world's fifth tallest waterfall is a spectacular silver chute of water that cuts through the cloud forest in northern Peru.
Guapi, Colombia

Gorgona Island Prison Ruins

This maximum-security prison was abandoned to make way for a national park.
Guapi, Colombia

Blue Anoles of Gorgona Island

The world's only pure blue lizard lives exclusively on this secluded tropical island.

Cueva de los Tayos

This cave system allegedly holds the "metallic library" of a lost ancient civilization.
Píllaro, Ecuador

Casa El Pacto

The devil masks on display at this small museum are part of an annual festival that has been taking place for centuries.
Sierra Bullones, Philippines

Chocolate Hills

Bohol's mysterious brown hills.
Oslob, Philippines

Aguinid Falls

Calcium-rich water has turned the water and rocks of these Philippines falls slightly green.
Panama City, Panama

Baha'i Temple

From a distance, Latin America's first Baha'i Temple looks like an enormous egg perched atop a hill.
Panama City, Panama

Mercado De Abastos

A huge, bustling local market in Panama City.
Panama City, Panama

Parque Urraca

This softball diamond has a culture all its own.
Panama City, Panama

Ancon Hill, República de Panamá

A pocket of jungle amidst urban expansion in Panama.
Balboa District, Panama

Wreck of the Sub Marine Explorer

The rusting hulk of a hand-powered, nearly 160-year-old submarine abandoned in 1869 due to the ravages of decompression sickness.
Bocas del Toro, Panama

La Gruta Cave

This small cave in the center of Isla Colon doubles as a sanctuary.
Anton Valley, Panama

Valley of Square Trees

Right angles in the forests of Panama.