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Places added to Ulverston, England
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Amsterdam, Netherlands

Electric Ladyland: The Museum of Fluorescent Art

The world's only museum devoted to the wonders of fluorescence.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Polaroid

An enormous Polaroid picture adds an artistic flair to Rotterdam.
Seville, Spain

Metropol Parasol

The world's largest wooden structure.
Oxford, England

The Norrington Room

Once one of the largest rooms full of books in the world, this bookstore basement is still a treat for bibliophiles.
Shildon, England

The ‘Rocket' Locomotive

This innovative steam machine was no doubt the most famous of the pioneer locomotives.
Hartlepool, England

Steetley Magnesite

Derelict chemical plant on the North Sea is a beautiful industrial ruin.
Alnwick, England

Barter Books

This enormous secondhand bookstore inside a Victorian train station sparked the "Keep Calm and Carry On" craze.
Whitehaven, England

Mildred Gale's Burial Site

The final resting place of George Washington's Grandma.
Keswick, England

Derwent Pencil Museum

A museum in England’s Lake District dedicated to the trusty pencil wants you to know the story of their World War II spy pencils.
Keswick, England

Castlerigg Stone Circle

Stonehenge has nothing on Castlerigg’s views.
Chapel-le-Dale, England

Ribblehead Viaduct

This incredible viaduct was part of the Victorian railway boom and helped the Midland Railway navigate tough terrain.
Borrowdale, England

The Bowder Stone

A 2,000-ton rock resting in a state of a delicate balance.
Cumbria, England

Scafell Pike

The highest peak in all of England is plagued by dangerously fickle climate shifts.
Grasmere, England

Dove Cottage

This charming English house was once the home of England's most famous poet.